Grand Play Media is a premier provider of young, affluent audiences to advertisers on the web. We create marketing programs that address your goals effectively and efficiently. Looking for value and leverage that only an exclusive sales team can bring? We provide just that. And we promise not to “package in” anything you don’t need; use one site, or all seven.
In aggregate, GPM ranks 5th overall on comScore’s list of music sites. Our portfolio is currently growing in the entertainment vertical with leading music and game sites. Check out our case studies to see how we’re doing.
Sites like Ultimate-Guitar, Lyricsmode and CheatsGuru appeal to active enthusiasts, people with a passion for music and games far above the normal iPod listener or casual gamer. They play music, they sing and they analyze and explore the most challenging games. Get aquainted with the GPM audience and see what media solutions we can offer.
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